P.E.I. Retired Teachers Association:
PEI Schools: Old and New

Many thanks to David Wood, Vernon River Consolidated School Principal, who provides the images (March 3, 2011) of the Vernon River Family of Schools as rendered on a school mural by Con Zaat in 1986. Thanks also to Con who has granted permission to post the images. He indicates that there were few photgraphs available at the time, and that he did the art work largely from descriptions provided by the more elderly bus drivers and members of the community.

If anyone has additional images (digital or actual photos) they would like to share, they can be sent as jpg attachments to Bill Oehlke, or they can be mailed to the webmaster's address for scanning.

Bill Oehlke
155 Peardon Road
Montague, Prince Edward Island C0A 1R0

Photographers will be credited and photos will be returned. Please contact me first by phone 902-838-3455 or by email before mailing pictures.

Additional information such as precise location, opening or closing dates, teachers' names, etc., would be appreciated.

Alberry Plains School House

Avondale School House

Bellevue School House

Grandview School House

Hermitage School House

Millview School House

Newton School House

Orwell School House

Orwell Cove School House

Summerville School House

Vernon School House

Vernon River School House

Uigg School House

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