Activities and Announcements

This page will serve as a notice board for announcements and upcoming activites approved by the PEIRTA Executive.

Most recent announcements/activities will be posted top of page.

"Dated" announcements will be retained via archives page so one can see sorts of events that get planned/posted.

Anouncements for all activities/events must be cleared through our Executive. Please send requests for the posting of announcements to the PEIRTA president or to your regional representative.

If you wish to be on an email mailing list to receive a personal email advising you of any new announcements/activities, please send to webmaster Bill Oehlke the following information: your full name, your email address, your county.

Your email address will not be posted, nor will it be given out to others. The webmaster will keep a private listing of email addresses and will send out individual notices of pertinent announcements/activities/new information postings on the PEIRTA website. The email mailing list will be utilized exclusively for the purpose of notifying members of items of interest.

Keep abreast of Newsroom postings of the Canadian Teachers Federation at Canadian Teachers Federation, under NEWSROOM.

November 11, 2024: New executive for 2025-2026

The following individuals were sustained at the PEIRTA 2024 Annual Meeting in Charlottetown:

President: Lise Morin
Past President: Phyllis Horne
Vice-President: Charlene Cain
Secretary: Terri E. Mac Adam
Treasurer: Dorothy Farish
Prince County Rep: Anne Marie Muise
Queens County Rep: Judy Hughes
Kings County Rep: Seana Evans-Renaud
Francophone Rep: Gilles Benoit

Cynthia MacDonald, Michel Plamadon, Kimball Blanchard, Marg Stewart, Bill Oehlke will continue to serve in their current assignments. The "Contact Us" page will be updated in January, 2025.

October 15, 2024 for November 7 Annual Meeting: Guest Speaers!

Guest speakers for our annual meetng are Trevor Waugh (director of Long Term Care) and Keith O'Neill (program manager of Long Term Care), who will be speaking on November, 7. They will be speaking on long term care and will be taking any questions.


October 10, 2024 for November 7 Meeting

Don't forget our PEI RTA 2024 ANNUAL MEETING
November 7, 2024
Red Shores, Charlottetown
Registration: 9:00 a.m.
Meeting: 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Lunch will be provided
Guest Speaker TBA: When the speaker has been confirmed, details will be posted on the RTA website. Please check the site at for this information.

October 10, 2024

Visit CPP Investments PEI Public Meeting Invite. This autumn, CPP Investments – the organization responsible for investing Canada Pension Plan (CPP) contributions not immediately needed to pay benefits – will be holding a public information meeting for your region so that you can hear directly about how the CPP Fund is doing. It will also be an opportunity to receive answers to your questions about the CPP Fund from a member of our senior management team.. Click on the link for details.

June 25-27, 2024

As per request from Marg Stewart: "Show your PEIRTA membership card and receive a free drink with your meal at Dhalia, the restaurant at the Rustico Resort Golf and Tennis Club."

"In addition to the drink coupon, we would like to offer all PEIRTA members a 50% discount on green fees on Monday’s and Tuesday's for this season. The cost will now be $49.99 + hst and includes a shared power cart. It is recommended that they book online and then just show their member card when they check in at the Pro Shop." David Saunders


May 8, 2024, posting

Visit Senior Navigators: Assistance for Seniors


March 28, 2024, posting

You are invited to participate in a survey about Aging in Place. Our Association President,Phyllis Horne, has requested that I post the invitation from the Jennifer A. Veitch, Ph.D., Principal Research Officer, National Research Council of Canada, Construction Research Centre, on our website at Aging in Place.


October 21, 2022, posting

School Board Elections, from John Cummings:

School Board Elections are fast approaching. Due to hurricane Fiona there will be an extension of the mail-in ballot deadline as well as the election date itself. The new dates include:
• Mail-in Ballot applications
o Deadline to apply is 11:59pm on Saturday, October 29, 2022
o Applications can be found at or by calling 902-370-5440 or 902-370-5441.
• Ballot Submissions
o Ballots must be returned to Elections PEI by noon on Thursday November 10, 2022.

All eligible voters are encouraged to register to vote!

Your Community, Your Voice, It Matters.

Comme vous le savez certainement, les élections scolaires approchent à grands pas. En raison de l'ouragan Fiona, la date limite pour les bulletins de vote postaux ainsi que la date des élections ont été repoussées. Les nouvelles dates sont les suivantes:
• Demande de bulletin de vote postal
o La date limite pour faire une demande de bulletin de vote postal est le samedi 29 octobre 2022 à 23 h 59.
o Il est possible de faire sa demande en ligne au ou en appelant au 902-370-5440 ou au 902-370-5441.
• Soumission des bulletins
o Les bulletins doivent être remis à Élections Î. P. É. au plus tard à midi le jeudi 10 novembre 2022.

Tous les électeurs et électrices admissibles sont encouragés à s’inscrire pour voter!

Votre opinion compte. Votre communauté est importante


PEIRTA Golf Tournament, 2022, September 6, 2022, Eagles Glenn, Cavendish

August 23, 2022. Here is message from President Denman:


"COST IS $60.00 plus HST for each golfer. This includes the green fee, seat on a power cart and range balls.

Teams consist of four golfers Female, male and mixed teams - singles, pairs or threesomes are welcome as we always have extra golfers looking for a place to play.

Phone 902-963-3600 to reserve your tee times at a time that suits your group. (9:00am - 1:00pm).

On course competitions and games as well as team, individual and draw prizes.

We will be having a silent auction as well. A great day to see some of your former teaching friends.

Bill - please post on our website - Thanks!

"Any questions contact Wayne by phone or email.


The Tournament is at Eagles Glenn."

Visit the PEIRTA Golf Tournament 2022 for details.

The pdf file is a big one and may take a while to upload, or maybe my computer is just slow this am. Here is a summary:

September 6, 2022, Eagles Glenn Golf Course, Cavendish
PEIRTA Golf Tournament and Fundraiser



May 25, 2022, posting

If you know of anyone from PEI who is
1) a graduate of a PEI high school;
2) has completed an undergraduate degree at an accredited university; and
3) can show evidence of acceptance to a full-time Bachelor of Education or Master of Education Program.
please alert them of opportunity to apply for PEIRTA $2,000.00 scholarshp, using the form linked below.

PEIRTA $2000 Scholarship Application Form


January 29, 2022:

Note from President Denman regarding ACER CART Photo Gallery:

"Hello to one and all,

"This might be interesting for some of you or retired teacher friends with an interest in photography or anyone getting a look at CANADA!

"Bill please put this on the website:"

To: ACER-CART Presidents, Directors and Executive Directors
From: Marilyn Bossert, Communications Chair
Re : ACER-CART Canadian Photo Gallery

The ACER-CART Canadian Photo Gallery is online! Thank you to those who have already shared the information with your members and to those members who have submitted photos.

The past two years have not been easy, but this project celebrating the beauty of Canada has potential to make us all feel better.

The ACER-CART communication committee invites all to visit ACER-CART Home - ACER-CART. Follow the links to learn more on how to participate and to enjoy the photos already submitted. Although the first deadline is the end of February, there are plans to accept submissions for a longer period. A promotion banner has been created for use in your publications and can be found at ACER-CART Promotion - ACER-CART.

A : Présidences, Directrices/Directeurs de l’ACER-CART et Directions générales
De : Marilyn Bossert, présidente des communications
Re : Galerie de photos de l’ACER-CART canadien

La galerie de photos canadienne de l’ACER-CART est en ligne ! Merci à ceux et celles qui ont déjà partagé l’information avec leurs membres et aux membres qui ont soumis des photos.

Les deux dernières années n’ont pas été faciles, mais ce projet célébrant la beauté du Canada a le potentiel de nous faire sentir mieux.

Le comité de communication d’ACER-CART invite tout le monde à visiter le site ACER-CART Home - ACER-CART. Suivez les liens pour en savoir plus sur la façon de participer et pour apprécier les photos déjà soumises. Bien que le premier délai soit fixé à la fin du mois de février, il est prévu d’accepter les soumissions pendant une période plus longue. Une bannière de promotion a été créée pour être utilisée dans vos publications et se trouve à l’adresse suivante: ACER-CART Promotion - ACER-CART


Summary, by Marg Stewart, of Pharmacognetic Testing Application Procedure, presented by Dale Weldon who spoke to the RTA AGM on Thursday, November 4, 2021, and addressed the subject of pharmacognetic testing.


Travel Update from Canada s Minister of Seniors, Deb Schulte, March 4, 2020; English

The Government of Canada is urging all Canadians to avoid all non-essential travel both inside and outside of the country. If you travel within Canada, there are no federal travel requirements, but there may be provincial or territorial rules and restrictions. If you travel outside of Canada, you should know that due to the new COVID-19 variant detections increasing in the country, the Government of Canada has implemented further testing and quarantine requirements for travellers arriving to Canada s air and land ports of entry.

For all travellers arriving by land or air

1) All travellers are required to submit their travel and contact information, including a suitable quarantine plan, electronically via ArriveCAN before crossing the border or boarding a flight.
2) For travellers arriving to Canada by land:
2a) All travellers, with limited exceptions, are required to provide proof of a negative result of a COVID-19 molecular test taken in the United States within 72 hours of arrival.
2b) In addition, travellers entering Canada at the land border will be required to take a COVID-19 molecular test on arrival and another toward the end of their 14-day quarantine.
3) For travellers arriving to Canada by air 3a) All travellers, with limited exceptions, will be required to take a COVID-19 molecular test when they arrive in Canada before exiting the airport, and another toward the end of their 14-day quarantine period. 3b) With limited exceptions, air travellers are also required to reserve a three-night stay in a government-authorized hotel, at their own cost. 3c) These new measures are in addition to the existing requirement to provide proof of a negative result of a COVID-19 molecular test taken less than 72 hours before their scheduled flight.

For those who must travel, get more information at

The Government of Canada continues to advise Canadians to cancel or postpone any non-essential travel, including vacation plans, outside Canada. Now is not the time to travel.

Minister Deb Schulte


Travel Update: Mise jour de la ministre des A n s, Deb Schulte, March 4, 2020; French

Le gouvernement du Canada exhorte tous les Canadiens viter les voyages non essentiels, tant l int rieur qu l ext rieur du pays. Si vous voyagez au Canada, il n y a aucune exigence f d rale en mati re de d placements entre provinces et territoires, mais il peut y avoir des r gles et restrictions provinciales ou territoriales. Si vous voyagez l ext rieur du Canada, vous devez savoir qu en raison de l augmentation des d tections de variants de la COVID-19 au pays, le gouvernement du Canada a instaur d autres exigences en mati re de d pistage et de quarantaine pour les voyageurs qui arrivent aux points d entr e terrestres et a riens du Canada.

Pour tous les voyageurs qui arrivent par voie terrestre ou a rienne

1) Tous les voyageurs sont tenus de soumettre leurs coordonn es de voyage et personnelles, y compris un plan de quarantaine ad quat, par voie lectronique dans ArriveCAN avant de traverser la fronti re ou de prendre un vol.
2) Pour les voyageurs qui arrivent au Canada par voie terrestre
2a) Tous les voyageurs, quelques exceptions pr s, doivent fournir une preuve du r sultat n gatif d un test mol culaire de d pistage de la COVID-19 effectu aux tats-Unis dans les 72 heures pr c dant leur arriv e.
2b) De plus, les voyageurs qui entrent au Canada la fronti re terrestre devront passer un test mol culaire de d pistage de la COVID-19 leur arriv e et un autre vers la fin de leur quarantaine de 14 jours.
3) Pour les voyageurs qui arrivent au Canada par voie a rienne
3a) Tous les voyageurs, quelques exceptions pr s, devront passer un test mol culaire de d pistage de la COVID-19 leur arriv e au Canada avant de sortir de l a roport et un autre vers la fin de leur quarantaine de 14 jours.
3b) Sauf dans de rares exceptions, les voyageurs a riens doivent galement r server un s jour de trois nuits dans un h tel autoris par le gouvernement, leurs frais.
3c) Ces nouvelles mesures s ajoutent l obligation existante de fournir la preuve du r sultat n gatif d un test mol culaire de d pistage de la COVID-19 effectu moins de 72 heures avant le d part de leur vol.

Les personnes qui doivent voyager trouveront d autres renseignements l adresse suivante : Le gouvernement du Canada continue de conseiller aux Canadiens d annuler ou de reporter tout voyage non essentiel l ext rieur du Canada, y compris les projets de vacances. Ce n est pas le moment de voyager. Veuillez agr er mes sinc res salutations.
La ministre Deb Schulte


How PEI ranks in Canada on Adult Vaccination in Canada!

Cross-Country Vaccination Report Card 2021 website ( The report is 44 pages long so those interested can download the report! or view it as per the link above.


Update from Canada s Minister of Seniors, Deb Schulte; February 15, 2021: English

Tax season is almost here again. Filing taxes is important to make sure individuals get all the benefits they are entitled to, especially low-income seniors.

I encourage everyone to file their taxes on time to ensure they receive all their benefits, such as:
1) the GST/HST credit, a tax-free quarterly payment to offset all or part of the GST or HST paid by individuals with low or middle incomes, including seniors;
2) the age amount, which provides a deduction for those over age 65;
3) the climate action incentive payment, which returns proceeds from carbon pricing to residents of Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba or Ontario; and
4) the Guaranteed Income Supplement, which provides a monthly benefit for low-income seniors.

Those four benefits alone can add up to more than a thousand dollars for middle-income seniors, or thousands for low-income seniors.

Get free tax help, virtually
If you have a modest income and a simple tax situation, you may be able to get free tax help. This year, to help prevent the spread of COVID-19, volunteers may be able to do your taxes virtually by videoconference or phone, or through a document drop-off arrangement. For more information, go to

Home accessibility tax credit
A safe and accessible home will help seniors live independently for as long as possible. Through the home accessibility tax credit, seniors who spend up to $10,000 in a year to make their home more accessible can get a tax credit worth up to $1,500. In addition, this credit can help seniors with their part of the cost of eligible expenses for common areas.

Canada caregiver credit
The Canada caregiver credit is a non-refundable tax credit that can help Canadians including seniors support a spouse, common-law partner or a dependant with a physical or mental impairment.

Disability tax credit
The disability tax credit is a non-refundable tax credit that helps persons with disabilities or their supporting family members reduce the amount of income tax they may have to pay.

Pension income splitting
Couples may be able to take advantage of pension income splitting. This allows Canadians to choose, with their spouse or common-law partner, to split up to 50% of their eligible pension income to reduce their taxes. Medical expenses credit
You may be able to claim the medical expenses credit for eligible medical expenses that you or your spouse paid in the tax year or did not claim in the previous tax year. You may also be eligible to claim related credits:
1) the refundable medical expense supplement, which provides additional support to working individuals with low incomes and high medical expenses; and
2) the disability supports deduction, which may allow you to claim some medical expenses if you have an impairment in physical or mental functions.

Filing your taxes is the only way to take full advantage of all the benefits the Government of Canada offers to seniors.

Be sure to catch my special presentation with the Canada Revenue Agency on taxes for seniors in English on February 24 at 4 p.m. and one with my Parliamentary Secretary Stephane Lauzon in French on February 26 at 2 p.m. Watch the Seniors in Canada Facebook page for details. And, for more tips for seniors from the Canada Revenue Agency, click here.

Minister Deb Schulte

Mise jour de la ministre des A n s du Canada, Deb Schulte: French

Ce sera bient t le moment de produire votre d claration de revenus. Il est important de produire sa d claration de revenus pour veiller ce que les particuliers, et plus particuli rement les a n s faible revenu, b n ficient de tous les avantages auxquels ils sont admissibles.

Je vous invite tous pr senter votre d claration de revenus temps afin de vous pr valoir de tous les avantages auxquels vous avez droit, entre autres:

1) le cr dit pour TPS/TVH, un paiement trimestriel libre d imp t qui compense tout ou partie de la TPS ou de la TVH que paient les particuliers revenu faible ou moyen, y compris les a n s;
2) le montant en raison de l ge, qui procure une d duction aux personnes de plus de 65 ans;
3) le paiement au titre de l incitatif agir pour le climat, qui rembourse le produit de la tarification du carbone aux r sidents de l Alberta, de la Saskatchewan, du Manitoba et de l Ontario;
4) le Suppl ment de revenu garanti, qui procure une prestation mensuelle aux a n s faible revenu.
elles seules, ces quatre prestations peuvent totaliser plus de 1 000 $ pour les a n s revenu moyen, et des milliers de dollars pour ceux faible revenu.

Aide virtuelle gratuite pour les imp ts
Si vous avez un revenu modeste et une situation fiscale simple, vous pourriez obtenir de l aide gratuite pour produire votre d claration de revenus. Cette ann e, afin d viter la propagation de la COVID-19, des b n voles peuvent vous aider faire votre d claration par vid oconf rence, par t l phone ou par le biais d un arrangement pour le d p t des documents. Pour plus de renseignements, consultez le site Internet suivant:

Cr dit d imp t pour l accessibilit domiciliaire
Un foyer s r et accessible permettra aux a n s de vivre de fa on autonome le plus longtemps possible. Gr ce au cr dit d imp t pour l accessibilit domiciliaire, les a n s qui d pensent jusqu 10 000 $ au cours d une ann e pour rendre leur foyer plus accessible peuvent obtenir un cr dit d imp t pouvant aller jusqu 1 500 $. De plus, ce cr dit peut aider les a n s payer leur part des d penses admissibles pour les aires communes.

Cr dit canadien pour aidant naturel
Le cr dit canadien pour aidant naturel est un cr dit d imp t non remboursable qui peut aider les Canadiens, y compris les a n s, subvenir aux besoins d un poux, d un conjoint de fait ou d une personne charge ayant une d ficience physique ou mentale.

Cr dit d imp t pour personnes handicap es
Le cr dit d imp t pour personnes handicap es est un cr dit d imp t non remboursable qui aide les personnes en situation de handicap ou les membres de leur famille qui subviennent leurs besoins r duire le montant d imp ts qu ils devront payer.

Fractionnement du revenu de pension
Les couples pourraient se pr valoir du fractionnement du revenu de pension. Cette option permet aux Canadiens de fractionner, avec leur poux ou conjoint de fait, jusqu 50 % de leur revenu de pension admissible pour r duire le montant d imp ts payer.

Cr dit d imp t pour frais m dicaux
Vous pourriez tre admissible au cr dit d imp t pour frais m dicaux pour les frais m dicaux admissibles que vous ou votre poux avez pay s pendant l ann e d imposition ou n avez pas r clam s pour l ann e d imposition pr c dente. Vous pourriez aussi tre admissible aux cr dits connexes:
1) le suppl ment remboursable pour frais m dicaux, qui procure un soutien additionnel aux personnes faible revenu qui travaillent et qui ont des frais m dicaux lev s;
2) la d duction pour produits et services de soutien aux personnes handicap es, qui vous permet de r clamer certains frais m dicaux si vous avez un handicap physique ou mental.
La seule fa on de b n ficier pleinement de tous les avantages que le gouvernement du Canada offre aux a n s est de produire votre d claration de revenus.

Ne manquez pas l expos sur les a n s et l imp t que je pr senterai en anglais, en compagnie de repr sentants de l Agence du revenu du Canada, le 24 f vrier 16 h, et en fran ais, avec mon secr taire parlementaire, St phane Lauzon, le 26 f vrier 14 h. Consultez la page Facebook A n s au Canada pour plus de renseignements. Et pour obtenir d autres conseils de l Agence du revenu du Canada l intention des a n s, cliquez ici.

Veuillez recevoir mes sinc res salutations.
La ministre Deb Schulte s


January 30, 2021:

Request for Feedback from PEIRTA Members:


We are looking for YOUR feedback:

1 What can /did we do as an organization to assist you in your retirement?
2 When is/was the time that you needed some assistance with retirement planning: University? Early/Middle/Late in Career? Retirement?
3 Wellness is an active process of becoming aware and making choices toward a healthy and fulfilling life it is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.
4 Dimensions of Wellness: PHYSICAL (Sports, Dance, Gardening, Pickle ball),
EMOTIONAL (Meditate, Choir, Sharing Writing or Travel, Acts of kindness),
NUTRITIONAL (Cooking class, Vegan, Gourmet, Seasonal),
MENTAL (Book Exchange, Knit, Genealogy, Trivia),
SOCIAL (Sleigh ride, Kraft Brewery visit, Show & tell, Crafts),
VOLUNTEER (Food drive, Clean up, Entertain, SPCA),
ENVIRONMENTAL (Water & streams, Birding, Composting, Recycling),
SPIRITUAL (Yoga, Give blood, Wellness visits, Conversation groups).

5 Do you have a skill/interest to share with others?
6 Is there something you want to learn about from/with others?
7 Do you want to help organizing activities for others?
8 Do you have any suggestions for a topic and/or speaker for our 2021 AGM?





The PEIRTA received a request from the Public School Branch (PSB) seeking assistance from retired Guidance Counselors.

The PSB is in a favorable position in regards to adding to their complement of school counselors. Despite this being very positive for schools and students they are facing a few challenges in terms of filling some part-time, temporary vacancies. Similar to their request seeking Substitute Teachers last Fall, we indicated that we would contact our membership with the information via our Newsletter and PEIRTA Website. As per last Fall it is your decision to make.

If you are interested, contact Kelly Drummond, Director of Human Resources, at or by telephone at 902-368-6819 for details such as: schools, grade levels, number of hours, waiver of fees to get license as done for substitute teachers, etc.


Association canadienne des enseignantes et des enseignants retrait s
Canadian Association of Retired Teachers

22 janvier 2021

RE: AGA 2021 ACER-CART - 4 juin 2021

Chers directrices, directeurs, pr sidences provinciales et directions g n rales:

Lors de notre r union du 14 janvier, l ex cutif de l ACER-CART a d cid que notre AGA 2021 serait nouveau un v nement en ligne. Nous sommes attrist s de prendre cette d cision, mais pensons que c est le plan le plus s r et le plus sage:

la pand mie COVIC-19 fait toujours rage avec peu de signes d att nuation,
les vaccinations ne seront probablement pas disponibles au d but de juin,
de nombreux vols a riens peuvent ne pas avoir repris cette date.

Roger R gimbal, notre directeur g n ral, vous enverra les documents d inscription et autres documents concernant l AGA dans les semaines venir.

Quelques bonnes nouvelles:
Notre AGA comprend g n ralement des conf renci res ou des conf renciers qui adressent nos priorit s et aussi qui nous parlent de l actualit .
Nous organiserons cela le jeudi 3 juin, mais, comme il s agira galement d un v nement en ligne, nous inviterons tous nos 170 000 membres y participer - probablement sur YouTube en direct.

Lorsque le programme sera finalis , nous vous demanderons de promouvoir l v nement aupr s de tous vos membres. Veuillez marquer la date sur votre calendrier.

Gerry Tiede


January 22, 2021

RE: 2021 ACER-CART AGM - June 4 2021

Dear ACER-CART Directors, Provincial Presidents, and Executive Directors:

At our January 14th meeting, the ACER-CART Executive decided that our 2021 AGM would again be an on-line event. We were saddened to make this decision but believe it is the safest and wisest plan:
- the COVIC-19 pandemic is still raging with little sign of abatement
- vaccinations will not likely we readily available by early June
- many flight routes may not have resumed by that date.

Roger R gimbal, our Executive Director, will be sending you registration and other AGM documents in the weeks ahead.

Some good news:
Our AGM usually features guest speakers on pertinent and timely topics. We are planning to provide that again on Thursday, June 3 but, because this too will be an on-line event, we will invite participation by all our 170,000 members - probably on YouTube live.

When the program is finalized, we will ask you to promote the event to all your membership. Please mark the date on your calendar.

Yours sincerely,
Gerry Tiede



A brief review of the work being done on your behalf by our National Office the Canadian Association of Retired Teachers will be highlighted here. If you wish to see the complete documents they will be posted on the PEIRTA Website.

1) Our 2021 AGM will once again be an on-line event due to COVID-19. Our AGM features guest speakers on pertinent and timely topics. On Thursday, June 3, 2021 this will occur on-line and all our 170,000 members will be invited to participate probably on YouTube live. Mark the date on your calendar! When the program is finalized, more information will be available for you.

2) ACER-CART President Gerry Tiede wrote to Prime Minister Trudeau supporting the government s commitment, released during National Seniors Day, to increase the amount of the Old Age Security Benefit when seniors turn 75 years of age. On behalf of our members (170,000 strong) Gerry urged the implementation of their commitment to increase the OAS amount for seniors with haste.

3) President Gerry also wrote to The Honourable Deb Schulte, Minister of Seniors about the Supplementary Mandate letter (01/15/21) from the Prime Minister to her that itemized issues of great concern to our membership:
a) Support for elder abuse prevention
b) Aid for seniors to age in place and remain in their homes longer
c) National Standards for long-term care
d) Access to a primary health care team including a Doctor
e) Increased services to tackle mental health and substance abuse issues
f) A national, universal Pharmacare program

4) ACER-CART has asked every Provincial and Territorial Retired Teachers Associations for input on matters arising from our 2020 AGM resolutions vaccines specific for seniors, breaches to the Canadian Health Act and Pharmaceutical company kickbacks to pharmacies. Feedback from all associations are due back to the Regional Coordinators by mid February and then be reviewed by our Health Services Committee, shared at the March Executive Meeting and then results reported to Members.


Canadian Association of Retired Teachers

Letter to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau from Gerry Tiede, President of ACER-CART

January 10, 2021

The Honourable Justin Trudeau
Prime Minister
Government of Canada
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0A6

Dear Prime Minister Trudeau,

L Association canadienne des enseignantes et des enseignants retrait s/The Canadian Association of Retired Teachers (ACER-CART) represents 170,000 members who have come together to focus on issues that affect the wellbeing of seniors across Canada.

We commend the government for its initiatives aimed at helping seniors during this COVID-19 pandemic. The $300 for seniors receiving Old Age Security and the additional $200 for seniors receiving the Guaranteed Income Supplement has been a huge help to all seniors, particularly those with small or no pensions. The special payments through the Goods and Services Tax credit has also benefitted our many low-income citizens.

We support your government s commitment, released during National Seniors Day, to increase the amount of the Old Age Security Benefit when seniors turn 75 years of age. Even before COVID-19 struck, many seniors experienced considerable health, economic and social challenges at the age where they are least able to mitigate their circumstances. And it is even more challenging now.

On behalf of our members, I urge you to implement your commitment to increase the OAS amount for seniors over 75 years of age with haste.

Gerry Tiede,


Association canadienne des enseignantes et des enseignants retraites
Canadian Association of Retired Teachers

January 22, 2021

The Honourable Deb Schulte
Minister of Seniors
Government of Canada
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0A6

Dear Minister Schulte,

L Association canadienne des enseignantes et des enseignants retrait s, The Canadian Association of Retired Teachers (ACER-CART) represents 170,000 members who have come together to focus on issues that affect the wellbeing of seniors across Canada.

We have been heartened to read the Supplementary Mandate letter of January 15, 2021, that you received from Prime Minister Trudeau. He specifically itemized issues that are of great concern to our membership:
Support for elder abuse prevention
Aid for seniors to age in place and remain in their homes longer
National standards for long-term care
Access to a primary health care team including a Doctor
Increased services to tackle mental health and substance abuse issues
A national, universal pharmacare program

As an Association of seniors, we individually have direct experience with the problems that are caused by the deficiencies that each item identifies.

As an Association we support your personal, and your government s commitment to delivering on actions that will relieve these health pressures and challenges that seniors in Canada face daily. We stand ready to support and help you fulfill this mandate.

Gerry Tiede,
President ACER-CART



December 30, 2020:

Holland College Foundation Thankyou

"On behalf of the entire Holland College family, we extend our warmest gratitude for your ongoing support.
We hope you enjoy this holiday video, featuring staff, students, and Holland College Foundation board members at campuses across the province.
As you will see, your generosity truly has an extraordinary impact.

Thank you, and best wishes this holiday season!
The Holland College Foundation Team

Wait for music to stop and then video should start automatically.

December 30, 2020

Visit Deb Schulte, Minster of Seniors, English Message; French Message; December 18, 2020; December 30, 2020


November 28, 2020

Visit Deb Schulte, Minster of Seniors, Message; November 25, 2020; November 28, 2020


November 28, 2020

Visit East Coast Retired Teachers Organization Zoom Meeting Minutes; November 20, 2020


November 17, 2020

Visit Three Notes from Minister of Seniors, Deb Schulte:
Notes on the Flu;
Help for Seniors;
Travel Considerations


September 23, 2020


The BC Supreme Court Judge Steeves has made his decision in the Brian Day/Cambrie Clinic Challenge to the Attorney General of BC. This case may end up in the Supreme Court but for now it is a WIN FOR PUBLIC HEALTH CARE. QUOTE: "duplicative private healthcare would not decrease wait times in the public system and there is expert evidence that wait times would actually increase."

For the FULL REPORT go to:

Lots of information


September 23, 2020


These are tips from The Minister of Seniors Deb Schulte to assist seniors during the current pandemic - they may be face an increased risk of being targeted by fraudsters.

You may get phone calls, emails and texts on COVID-19. Please be cautious when receiving them:
* remember that if you didn t initiate contact with a person or a business, you don t know who you are dealing with;
* never click on links or attachments in unsolicited or suspicious emails;
* never give out your personal or financial information by email or text;
* note that financial institutions will never ask you to provide personal, login, or account information by text or email;
* when banking online, enter your financial institution s website address in your browser yourself; and,
*beware of questionable cures for sale: if it seems too good to be true, it probably is.

Need more info? Check out our Little Black Book of Scams and the Canadian Anti-fraud Centre .

For regular updates follow:
Twitter: @ESDC_GC
Facebook: Seniors in Canada

Together, we can and we will get through this!


September 23, 2020


ACER-CART is a bilingual association representing over 160,000 retired teachers from our ten provinces and three territories. ACER-CART has been in existence since 1991. Gerry Tiede was elected President at our AGM on ZOOM THANKS TO COVID-19. The pandemic has exposed issues that illustrate the overwhelming vulnerability of seniors. We have a heavy load on our plate that we will address to support our members and other retired seniors across Canada.

What we plan to address:

* Pharmacare on the National level
* Bilateral Health funding
* Home care for seniors
* Defend Pension Plans
* Working conditions for Staff

We are a strong voice TOGETHER - we will work with like minded groups such as: Canadian Health Coalition, Canadian Teachers Federation and the National Association of Federal Retirees.

Look at our website to see who is representing us at the National level and have a glimpse at ACER-CART s Website.

2020-21 ACER-CART Executive:

President Gerry Tiede, British Columbia
Vice-President Martin Higgs, Ontario
Past President Bill Berryman, Nova Scotia
Regional Representative East Margaret Urquhart, New Brunswick
Regional Representative Ontario Martha Foster, Ontario
Regional Representative West Marilyn Bossert, Alberta
Executive Director Roger R gimbal, Ontario

ARTA continues to play a strong supporting role in ACER-CART:

Marilyn Bossert ACER-CART Regional Representative West & Communications chair.
Gordon Cumming Pension & Retirement Committee member
Lawrence Hrycan Political Advocacy Committee member
Tony Esteves ARTA Digital & Creative Strategist for his expertise for the website redesign.
Daniel Mulloy ARTA CEO for his offer of ARTA s strong support & assistance for the website redesign

COMING SOON: The redesigned ACER-CART website!


September 23, 2020

SEPTEMBER 7th to 11th 2020

The Third Annual PEIRTA Golf Tournament was postponed this year due to COVID-19 BUT will return in 2021. We are planning for a late August or early September Event to bring more retired teachers to touch base with each other once again.

With the support of Eagles Glenn and the PEIRTA we held an Appreciation week for PEI Retired Teachers where many that had participated in previous years were joined by some newcomers - our numbers were not as large but everyone had a good time.

We had Closest to the Hole each day for Male and Female golfers - the course beat everyone on Monday and Friday - teachers prevailed from Tuesday thru Thursday! Ginette Plourde and Edith MacLauchlan were the Female winners while Male winners included Bob MacFarlane, Paul Cyr and Brayden White claiming the bragging rights for his year. Can they defend next year.

In our Draw for prizes Carol MacMillan won the Grand prize, followed in by Wayne Cutcliffe, Audrey Buchanan and Brayden White respectively.

We supported the Esther Finkle Walk for Kids once again with donations from our golfers, Eagles Glenn, draw prizes from various donors. With this years financial donation we have raised over $3000 in total thus far. The Walk for Kids this year will be a virtual one being held October 11-18, 2020. Go to the PEIRTA website to see how you can assist with this endeavor.

Save the date for next year - we will announce the proposed date early next year.

Thank you for your support.


President Denman just sent me UPDATE FROM THE MINISTER OF SENIORS, DEB SCHULTE, May 6, 2020


Marg Stewart just forwarded to me, March, 18, 2020, an announcement from Dale Weldon, our Johnson's Insurance Rep, concerning the Corona virus, travel and our Insurance through Johnsons.

Please read the notification in the Covid 19 and Travel Insurance. Hope you are all well, and are doing your best to avoid contracting or spreading this disease. Please help spread the word, but not the virus!


Message from PEIRTA President Cynthia Macdonald, March 11, 2019

The Canadian Association of Retired Teachers ( ACER-CART ) has posted an e-petitiion on the House of Commons Petition site to encourage government to increase the security of retirement income. ACER-CART is aiming for 10,000 signatures - on March 6, they had 2000. April 7th is the deadline to sign the e-petition . The e-petition can be found at

Although our PEI Teacher's pension is in good standing, and we are very fortunate to have our pensions well looked after by our trustees, we need to be vigilant to any changes that government may make to pensions that can have an impact. ACER-CART is advocating for pension security so that our pensions will remain safe and so that what happened to the SEARS pensions, when SEARS closed, does not happen again. ACER-CART is requesting that every retired teacher take the time to sign the e petition. ACER-CART has made arrangements for the petition to be read in the House of Commons on Thursday, June 6 at 10:00 am. Everyone is encouraged to sign the e -petition by going to the website:

Cynthia MacDonald,


January 2019; Change to Group Insurance Plan

President Cynthia MacDonald writes, "The change to our group Insurance plan regarding Massage Therapy and Physiotherapy went out to The PEITF members. Kimball forwarded it to me. Both he and Patrick Mac Fadyen suggested that we also let RTA members know as well. It will also be added to our Feb. newsletter."

At the PEITF Group Insurance Trustees' meeting yesterday (January 3), an agreement was finalized to make changes to the plan. Going forward, members of the plan will not be required to have a doctor's note in order to get reimbursed for Massage Therapy or Physiotherapy.

For Massage Therapy, the provider must be duly licensed, certified or registered to practice, with coverage up to 80% of $50 per treatment (maximum reimbursement of $40) and a maximum of 20 treatments per 12 consecutive month period.

For Physiotherapy, charges for active treatment provided by private practice physiotherapists who are duly licensed, certified or registered to practice, with coverage up to 80% of $50 per treatment (maximum reimbursement of $40). There is no maximum number of treatments.

The Trustees are continuing to work on improving the Group Insurance Plan and will look at further changes during their next meeting.

If you have questions regarding the specifics of the coverage you can contact Johnson Insurance at 1-800-371-9516.


2018 Retired Teachers Golf Tournament

Posting: August 14, 2018; re. Retired Teachers Golf Tournament:

When: September 4th
Where: Eagles Glenn of Cavendish
Time: 9:00am Shotgun
Description: 4 Person Scramble
Format is a 4 person scramble - Female, Male or combined teams (competitive and non-competitive). Cost is $50 plus HST = $57.50 per person (includes power cart, and range) for golf and cart with an optional $20 steak or gluten free meal.

You can go online at to register as a single, double, threesome or team of four. There is a number on the site to contact for assistance: 902-963-3600; ask for Chris. You can register online, by phone or by writing a check and either mailing it to the address on the website or dropping it off at the golf course. If you choose to mail or drop it off phone to ensure that there is space available.

Website mailing address:
Eagles Glenn of Cavendish
374 Eagles Glenn Blvd.
Cavendish, Prince Edward Island
Canada, C0A 1M0

Any questions people can contact me, Wayne Denman, at 436-6260 (H) or 963-3600 (Eagles Glenn) or by email to to Wayne Denman.

Please help spread the word.


December 2017

Retired Teachers' Survey: A nice read of a survey summary about the "wisdom that seasoned educators had collected over their many years in schools". Very nice to share with those very new to the profession, and with those still engaged. Merry Christmas.


July 2017

The PEI Association for Newcomers to Canada has created a Volunteer Tutor Program to support low income refugee and immigrant students. The pilot project will support students at Birchwood Intermediate and Colonel Gray High School and will run in three cycles during the school year. Tutors have the flexibility to volunteer for as many, or as few, as their schedules will allow. EAL Tutor Training includes an online 4 hour course and a classroom session.

For more details on the program please contact Project Coordinator Jill Olscamp at or 902-628-6009 ext 223.


July 2017

The Colonel Gray High School Class of !977 will be holding its' 40th Reunion year @ The Alley (Murphy Centre) on Saturday, July 29, 2017. It will go from 8 p.m. to 1 a.m.

All are welcome! For more information, please call Philip Brown at 902-892-8662.

Philip Brown
Class of ''77


If interested, click here --->Health Survey being conducted by University of Waterloo.

The survey is done through on line using Survey Monkey . There are 90 questions asking about your health, mobility, social demographic factors, driving, falls and a few questions on memory, sleepiness and distraction. The survey should take between 45 minutes to an hour to complete. You can stop, save, and return to the survey at any time if you cannot complete it in one go. The survey is available in both English and French.

The survey is completely confidential. Your name and any other identifying information will be removed from the database prior to analysis. You will be referenced only by an assigned study ID (or number). All findings from the study will be reported anonymously and secured on password-protected computers at the University of Waterloo. You are allowed to skip questions throughout the survey should you choose to do so or withdraw altogether by closing your web browser without submitting your responses.

There is a chance to win a few restaurant certificates. If you enter for a chance to win one of those certificates the information collected to draw the prizes will not be linked to the study data in any way. Any identifying information will be stored separately, then destroyed after the prizes have been provided.


Minutes of 2016 AGM in Summerside; posted November 19, 2016


Bob Gray's Roast is next weekend and this is the last call for tickets. Due date for ticket purchases is Tuesday, January 19. They can be purchased online here, or you may contact Carolyn Francis ( / 902-894-2813 for tickets if you cannot purchase online.

It promises to be a fun-filled evening!

Other details:

Join us in roasting Bob Gray! He has generously agreed to sit in the hot seat to be the brunt of several roasters!

The emcee for the evening is CBC's Bruce Rainnie, entertainment provided by Liam Corcoran, and the meal catered by Chef Emily Wells of Local 343 and The Mill.

There will also be a silent auction as part of the evening's activities.

Join for an evening of laughter and entertainment.

This event is a fund-raiser for the International and Indigenous Specialization Education students in the UPEI Bachelor of Education. 31 students will complete 6 weeks of teaching practice in 10 different countries in 2016. They are required to cover all of their costs.

When: Sunday, 24 January 2016 starting at 5:00 PM
Where: APM Centre - 37 Lowther Drive Cornwall, PE C0A 1H0 CA
Cost: $40


The Office of Johnston Insurance has been relocated. It is no longer on Kent Street in Charlottetown. It has been moved to:
201 Buchanan Drive, Charlottetown.
(located by the TD Bank and Shoppers Drug Mart -across University Avenue from the Charlottetown Mall).
The phone number is 629-2015.


Minutes of 2015 AGM in Charlottetown; posted December 9, 2015

Minutes of 2014 AGM in Summerside; posted February 14, 2015


Posted May 28, 2014: Heart and Stroke/PEI seeks volunteers ~ Susanne MacDonald, Heart and Stroke/PEI



Volunteering is a great way to meet new friends, keep those skills razor sharp, and best of all, have the satisfaction of knowing that you are helping to make a difference in the lives of Islanders. If you enjoy people, have some time to share, and would like to be part of our work to help residents of PEI to live longer, healthier lives, or if you simply want more information, please call Crystal at 902-892-7441 or toll-free 1-888-473-4636, or email Crystal.


President Sheridyth MacNeil indicates there was a good turnout for the Prince County Spring Social in Summerside, May 1. We stil have two more up and coming:

2014 Spring Socials

Queens May 8
Jack Blanchard Centre, Charlottetown

Kings May 15
Red s Corner, Montague


On May 29th from 9:00-11:30 am my Island History class will be hosting an open house in the Montague RHS cafeteria to celebrate one room schools in our area. We would like to extend an invitation to all your members. We are also seeking former one room schoolhouse teachers and former students to interview. Please contact me at the school 838-0835 or at home 838- 4200 if interested.

Ralph Jamieson


Minutes of 2013 AGM in Charlottetown; posted January 10, 2014


Minister of Finance, Energy and Municipal Affairs, Mr. Wes Sheridan, will be speaking in the afternoon (scheduled at 1:15) at the AGM (November 7) about pension changes. Some may be interested in hearing him.

Our AGM is slated for November 7, 2013, at Rodd Royalty, West Royalty, Registration: 9 AM, Meeting: 10 AM, Meeting and Snacks: $5.00, Meeting and Hot Lunch: $20.00, Featured Speaker: Ann Cairns, Pharmacist, Sherwood Drug Mart.


September 12, 2013: CUBA Spanish Studies in Cuba
(Havana), $2,500.00 Can. for 4 wks.
Hotel with breakfast and dinner,
tuition fee. (Air fare not included).

The name of my company is Spanish Studies in Cuba and I have been taking groups to Havana for the past fifteen years. Two four week sessions are planned for next year in January and February. I have been advertising regularly in various publications including:
- the Globe and Mail,
- the Zoomer magazine,
- the Retired Teachers Magazines of British Columbia, Alberta, Manitoba and Ontario.

Basil Boardman

Bill Oehlke has confirmed the validity of this ad.


September 12, 2013: Preparedness for Upcoming Hurricane Season, from Johnson Insurance.


June 19, 2013: PEI Arthritis Society 'Call for Volunteers'.


May 22, 2013: PEI 55+ Summer Games; June 17-22; register on or before June 7. Visit link to left for details.


April 19, 2013:

Just a reminder that the Spring Socials will be held from 1:30-3:30 PM as follows:

Prince, May 2, St. Paul's Centre, S'side

Kings, May 9, Dr. Roddie Centre, St Peter's

Queens, May 16, Jack Blanchard Family Centre, Charlottetown

Please note that county reps for 2014-16 will elected at these events and installed at the AGM in November.


March 13, 2013

Here is a 'shout out' to all former teachers, staff and students who have ever been involved with West Kent School.

In celebration of our 50th, we are publishing an Anthology of present students memories of West Kent and hope to have an accumulation of alumni stories as well. We are also interested in any pictures anyone may have of days gone.

Please note this is only regarding the present West Kent School....not the original old school.

Please see the bulletin below, and we would so appreciate if you could share the information with anyone you think would be interested.

Thanks again,
Valerie Beer
50th Committee

West Kent, 27 Viceroy Ave, turns 50!

The school opened its doors in January, 1963. As part of our anniversary celebrations present students and staff are compiling an anthology of What West Kent Means to Me . We invite all alumni, teachers and students, to contribute their memories to our Anniversary Anthology. You can send your memories in a word document (250 words) and/ or pictures to Check out our blog, for updates on the celebrations!!

We look forward to hearing from you.

Warm Regards,
West Kent Anniversary Committee


Canadian Parents for French, call for volunteers to serve on Provincial Board of Directors; March 5, 2013


Horizon: Discounts on hearing assessment, hearing aids, listening devices for PEIRTA members; January 14, 2013


Canadian Parents for French, call for volunteers to serve on Provincial Board of Directors; March 5, 2013


Horizon: Discounts on hearing assessment, hearing aids, listening devices for PEIRTA members; January 14, 2013


Canadian Diabetic Association, PEI Region, Call for Volunteers; January 12, 2013



Minutes of 2012 AGM in Summerside; posted December 19, 2012

************ 2012 ************

This is from Heather Doran, posted September 7, 2012:

Big Brothers Big Sisters looking for In-School Mentors

What if every child fulfills his or her potential? Imagine what that could start! Sign up to be an In-School Mentor and you could change your life and the life of a child just by being a friend. Whether you are playing games or making crafts, you can have fun while helping a child succeed. It doesn't matter what you do, it's that you do it together. One hour a week is all it takes to start something big! For more information call Big Brothers Big Sisters of PEI at 569-KIDS (1-877-411-3729), e-mail: or visit

Heather Doran
Volunteer & Events Coordinator
Big Brothers Big Sisters of PEI


This is from Olive O'Brien:

Newcomer and Established Island Seniors 50 years and older will learn new skills, and create friendships through the Seniors Connecting Across Cultures Program organized by the PEI Association for Newcomers to Canada, Seniors Active Living Centre, and Murphy's Community Centre.

No special equipment or experience necessary and newcomer seniors can participate in activities regardless of their current level of English. Seniors can sign up for as many activities as they wish, and all sessions are free. Workshops take place between September and May, so contact us today!

Workshops are:
Eight Nights of Games
Using a Video Camera
International Cooking
Practical Digital Photography
Rug Hooking and Knitting
Voices Together Choral Singing
Line Dancing
Visual Arts

Information is posted on the PEI ANC website under Things to Know, and Things to Do, and on PEI ANC's Facebook page. For further information, or to register, please contact the Seniors Active Living Centre by calling (902) 628-8388 or emailing


To: PEIRTA Members: May 17, 2012
From Eugene Murphy and PEI 55+ Summer Games

You are reminded that the registration forms for the 55+ Summer Games are now available. If you have not already received one, copies may be accessed at the 55+ Games website or via PEI 55+ Summer Games
or call Sara Richard at 566-2354 ext 235.

The Games are hosted by the Town of Cornwall, and scheduled for the week of June 18-23. The list of specific events and timetable is on the registration form. If you need other information or would like to volunteer, contact Sara Richard as noted above. Please note the registration deadline of June 8.


Don t forget the spring socials, which start at 1:30pm in the various locales.

Prince County May 3; St. Paul s Centre, Summerside

Queens County May 10; Malcolm Darrach Centre, East Royalty

Kings County May 17; Dr. Roddie Centre, St. Peter s

Spread the word please.


Sheila O'Shea writes on behalf of the 2012 Canada Wide Science Fair:

"Hi, My name is Sheila O'Shea and I am a teacher at Sherwood Elementary. I am involved this year with recruiting volunteers for the Canada Wide Science Fair being held at UPEI from Monday, May 14th -Saturday May 19th. On Thursday Jan.19th at UPEI we are having the launch of the CWSF website. On that site there will be information about what type of jobs we are asking people to volunteer for and a volunteer form to sign. If you can attend the launch at the AVC center on campus between 4:00 PM and 5:00 PM that would be wonderful. I will have more information to follow after the 19th of January. Thank you."


The Canada Wide Science Fair is coming to Prince Edward Island from May 13-18th, 2012 at UPEI. Some of the brighest minds from Grades 7-12 will compete for medals and prizes worth approximately $1,000,000. The PEI Retired Teachers Association is just one of the many organizations we are asking to help us with this wonderful event. The website to registrar and view the various areas people can volunteer for is, and the contact person is John Burka Chair of the Volunteer Committee. You can also contact Sheila O'Shea at Sherwood Elementary 368-6780 if you have any questions. Also take a look at the Canada Wide Science Fair website to see the entire program,

Thank you in advance for all your support, Sheila O'Shea at Sheila O'Shea

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