I will try not to be so long winded this time around. We only have so many pages for our newsletter, and I know there is much important information we need to provide. I will start with a short report of the Annual Meeting which was held last November at the Holy Redeemer Parish Hall. We were greeted by the Honorable Mildred Dover, Minister of Education; Dr. Sandy MacDonald, Superintendent of the Eastern School Board; and Seana Evans-Renaud, President of the PEITF. They all felt right at home in our company as this gave them the opportunity to see many of their "old" colleagues. They brought us up to date with the many challenges facing them in their present positions -- but also highlighted many of their sucesses and achievements as well.
Our pension and insurance representatives also addressed the gathering and answered any questions posed by our group of retirees. One issue that keeps coming up and needs to be highlighted every year is the registration for the Drug Cost Assistance Plan (DCAP) of the provincial government once you reach 65. We are currently being told that our pharmacy will automatically register us when we reach that "special year" -- 65 -- but we know it is not always happening. We know of examples of retired teachers over 70 who were never registered. If you belong to the Teachers' Drug Plan, administered by Johnson's and you are over 65 years of age -- you still have the right to be registered under DCAP. You may be paying for drugs and the Plan may be paying for drugs that you could be getting for free. If the Plan is being charged for those drugs, it will keep the cost of our premium higher -- and you are being doubly penalized. Make sure you check with your pharmacy if you fall under this category. We were fortunate this year that the premiums were kept at the same level as last year.
I hope you find this little newsletter informative. I want to thank all those who have contributed and offer all of you the opportunity to write a story that we might include in a future mailing. Till next time -- Cheerio.
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